Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Para ver, rever e rever e VER outra vez

O polémico video para "The Saints Are Coming" - a colaboração entre os U2 e os Green Day - já chegou à Internet. O teledisco contém imagens reais de Nova Orleãs após a passagem do furacão Katrina e mistura-as com reportagens fictícias sobre o que teria acontecido se o governo norte-americano tivesse enviado as tropas que estão no Iraque para a maior cidade do Louisiana de forma a socorrer todos os necessitados.

As vendas do single, um original dos The Skids, irão reverter a favor das vítimas do Katrina.

U2 - The Saints Are Coming

There is a house in New Orleans,
They call the rising sun,
It's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God, I know i'm one.
I cried to my daddy on the telephone, how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come down, the line went.
But the shadows still remain since your descent, your descent.
I cried to my daddy on the telephone, how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come home, the line went.
But the shadows still remain since your descent, your descent.
The saints are coming, the saints are coming. I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
The saints are coming, the saints are coming. I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.
A drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief, how long now?
Until the weather change condemns belief, how long now?
When the night watchman lets in the thief Whats wrong now?
The saints are coming, the saints are coming I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply. The saints are coming, the saints are coming I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply. I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply. I say no matter how I try, I realise there's no reply.

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